when night crawls unto us
and entraps our shadows
in endless ripples of din,
extend your hands through the darkness
mine will be there to hold yours.
we'll dream of each other,
drowning in each's arms and
staring at each other's eyes-
dozing off together-
hearts held, hands clasped,
thinking that things like these
would last forever;
but forever only lasts as long as it does,
and reality kicks in,
going for the kill
but i don't worry.
hopefully, neither do you
because in our hearts
we sleep tonight, holding on to our hearts
together finiding that path
to dreams that once shared with others-
bitchy shrinks, and another immature heartthrob-
but now we share, tonight.
silence is our vengeance.
and happy tuesdays are our sanctuary.
truly yours,
oink oink
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