Aug 2, 2004

i as browsing when i happen to stumble upon this. you melt me away maddWULF. keep the faith bro.

Where do love songs go when people stop
singing them? When does love become unloving?
How can a tattered heart still feel brand new?

I have asked myself these questions countless of
times but I cannot give myself any answer. I am left
questioning and with little hope of ever finding out
the truth. Love is always wrapped in mystery. And I
think it will always be a mystery.

If love only came in little packages with instruction
booklets rather than mystery and complication
everyone could've prevent and avoid heartbreaks
even before it happens. That should have been
easy. Romantic love that's not complicated. But
love doesn't come with instructions or guarantees.
We all learned that one way or the hard way. It will
forever be an experience. It breaks our hearts but
it has done so to make us whole again. It made us
cry but it also built us our happiest memories. It
has thorns but damn, it sure is a beautiful rose. I
think love is beauty and pain.

It has its own time for coming and going. And it
has its own reasons for staying and then fading
away. But most of us tend to grab hold of it as if
it's something that should be truly ours alone. We
desperately try to change ourselves thinking that
maybe if we become better or change for the
better love would stay. Many of us fail to realize
that love cannot be coerced into doing something
that is unnatural. I have realized that. Love is as
natural as the birds flying freely or water making

We cannot change love. Love changes us. And if
one day love decides to go let's be thankful that
for once in our lives it came knocking on our
doorstep and filled our life with so many wonderful
things. We should cherish that moment and keep
it alive in us by giving what love has given us to

I hope one day love would come knocking again.
POSTED BULLETIN:journal entry. March 08, 2004)

but how long we shall wait for love to knock at the front door, we'd never know. and do we really need to wait for it to come knocking? what if it doesn't knock at our doors at all? what then?

i don't know.

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