Aug 5, 2004


We are who we choose to be
Souls trapped in endless karma
Fire, burning our hearts
Misery, we chose in lieu of friendship

People are who we chose them to be
Angst lingering in our misty eyes
Lungs, collapsed after crying all night
Chandlers of thought
Dearth of cognizance
Bearers of mistrust and atrocity

We are who the Fates have chosen us to become
Misers, uncomfortable with who we dictate
Our hearts to shout out
Masters of none, jack of all
What misled fearlessness my choices have reaped
And what nothingness engulf us at night
When lights are dimmed and
Your eyes are nowhere to be found.

F Mark

Wanted to go all out corny
And greet you at 12midnight
But my head's throbbing already
So here's to you-
Great guy. Intelligent.
Strong. Fearless. Cheers.

(And that got you where?)

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