Aug 29, 2004

missing you is not the hardest part about loving you.
it's not being able to kiss you endlessly that cripples me.
what's hard about loving you is not trapping you in my arms,
whisperinging "i love you" close to your ears
and you hearing me breathe heavily, until i doze off to dreamland.

missing you is not the hardest part about loving you.
it's not seeing you sleep in my bed
and not knowing what time you come home from work.
what's hard about it is longing to take baths with you over and again
and not minding if we tiptoe naked out of the shower
and jumping to bed all wet and dripping.

missing you is not the hardest part about loving you.
it's not seeing your eyes stare at mine
and smiling all night, all day until we realize
that things may never be easy for us, but we do not care.
what's important is that we have each other
singing happy tuesdays with resounding jaunt and euphoria.

missing you is not the hardest part about loving you.
not having tuesdays is.

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