Oct 22, 2004

In the heat of summer sunshine
I miss you like nobody else
In the heat of summer sunshine
I kiss you, and nobody needs to know

closure. the long awaited coming of dots and crosses on t's and i's. i was hesitant to continue on last night. i was going to back out actually while i walked towards your place. but i continued walking. because i needed this. i knew we still had hang-ups on each other. we were just too afraid to accept them. not until we finally decided to move on. really move on. and start on the gritty work of patching things up between us. and finally accepting the fact that we have settled top becoming friends, however distant it may become for us.

i know that at one point we would go beyond being just shrinks. that i might eventually try my luck on applying as a quasi-friend to you for the time being. and i would be fine with that. quasi as it may become, soon i hope, we would still be friends.

I don't wanna wait in vain for your love;
I don't wanna wait in vain for your love;
I don't wanna wait in vain for your love,
'Cause if summer is here,
I'm still waiting there;
Winter is here,
And I'm still waiting there.

i got there at your place. i stood by the gate, anxious of what to do next. honestly, i was practicing what i'd say. i didn't want to say anything offensive to you. it wasn't called for. not now that we both wanted closure. closure for the past that was starting to become vague for us.

you let me in. we started talking. but lola woke up, and we had to take the talk outside. you had dinner. and you lent me a jacket. more talk. and i loved it. it's been a long time since i got to talk to you like that. then you dropped the bombs at me, one by one. boy, was i devastated. slightly. they were called for, i knew that night. thank you for opening my eyes.

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky
I'll make a wish
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I loved
I'll take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway

you made me realize that i never did size up to what i should have sized up for you. i promised you so much; i gave you so little. my apologies. but i would like to make it up to you somehow. when you start permitting me to.

For what it’s worth I think there’s
nobody like you
You’ve got grace got a heart beating and despite
you’re fun
As I grew up I was terrified of darkness
Now you’re around I’ve no reason
to be frightened
‘Cause even if the sun came tumbling down
You light the ground I walk on
Even if the moon fell out of the sky
You light the ground I walk on

you made me feel right at home. again. when we touched, i felt connected to you again, and yet there was that thing we wanted so much to gain from everything that happened early that night. every kiss, every touch. i felt each one lunge me in the heart, and help me realize that yes, i would like to get you back as a friend.

And with all that's said and done
You've always been the one
To hold me on those rainy days
When I couldn't see the sun
And when all the clouds disappear
And my skies are clear

thanks for the great night. hope you had a great night too.
i'm back. hey.

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