honesty is such a lonely word
everyone is so untrue.
honesty is hardly ever heard
and mostly what i need from you.
on the way to my girlfriend's house i started singing HONESTLY by harem scarem. i didn't know why i started singing it, but i just did. my gf was giving me the face, 'cause i was singing so loudly in the trike, but i didn't care.
honesty. probably the last value that i'd ever learn to achieve, but ever so desperate to have. have i been honest? well, not to most people. sometimes not even to myself. there are only a few people i'm actually honest with. you could count them with my fingers.
ansaya ng buhay ko. really.
i'm laying down the cards today. though not totally honest, at least i'm trying:
1. i hate my dad. nothing new about that. it's my dad's birthday today, and what did we do today? we fought. in front of my gf. pinahiya pa niya ako. dammit.
2. i have an insatiable love for pornography. this is the reason, among others, why me and the terrestrial visionary split up.
3. i don't like being humiliated.
4. i don't like being left out in the rain. i'm sick and tired of that.
5. i don't like people who think i'm puddy in their hands. they get into my nerves. sorry celest. i don't like your guts.
6. i am sincere with how i deal with people. those who think that i'm not, hope the Lord give you longer lives.
7. i'm more than the person you think i am. sorry if i don't disclose that much.
whatever life has become for me, though i may not be happy about a lot of things, i'm just glad there are people out there who still like me. however small that number of people is.
hey. i'm still here.
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