Dec 27, 2004

yup, i'm back online. two blogs in a day. this is how bored i am today. i uploaded some new pictures in my other accounts. i hope the people in my clique like how i look. i'm not a looker, you know. just a guy with a big... heart.
i left the house this evening because i couldn't bear looking at my mother. i wasn't comfortable with the fact that i was sharing the same roof as she did. i guess i'm still mad at her.
a friend of a friend wrote this bulletin over at friendster. i hope he doesn't mind i posted it here.

Like Venus, the goddess
Fragile and innocent
Wildflowers I offer
In her sacred altar
In solitude of holy prayer
I lose my kingly sanity
Entwined in confession
I sweat with desire
Look at me so
I may be justified
Naked and bare
For you.

zhi heng

sometimes, when we bare our souls to people we get two initial reactions: (a) this guy's freakin' crazy! why's he telling me these things?!; and (b) what the?!
it ain't easy bearing your soul to other people. you just aren't sure if that's the right thing to do. we will never know whether or not people are sincere when they listen to you. that's the scary part.

opening the link
i found you;
lips clasped intensely
with his.
your eyes,
i first saw. intense
drama flickering.
i believed you have
bounced; and he
has accepted to be
pounced at.
i'm wond'ring why
i even bother to talk
about it.
it's none of my business
now; you're happy.
so am i - seemingly;
but it hurts.

when i scrambled to see
how he looked like
i had things running
inside my head; assuming
through your descriptions
i found,
was something i should
not have done.
opening the link,
i saw him; smiling
at me, jesting
me; he has someone
i have no more. the vampire
has won.

closing the page,
as you did while giving
him fire, i shuddered;
dammit, i miss
kissing you. sitting amongst
all the other drones
linked to the comb,
i stared blankly
at the screen; you were now
a convert - once a lycan
now turned into a vampire;
and loving every moment
of it - in his arms,
his breath against your neck
his eyes staring, glaring
staring at you everytime
you made love since
three months is up,
and you've bounced.

gotta go. email me aight? hey..

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