Dec 28, 2004

true love is not variable;
it lasts forever.

today is my
red letter day
how i scrambled anxiously
looking for this
grabbing for that
making sure things
were okay.

today is my
yahoo-i'm-okay day
with streets paved
with frantic people
and minds more messed up
with woes and tears
apprehensions and jeers
what littlest mouse
can reject the season?

today is my
red letter day;
spaghetti and rice cakes
bread and agua.
spoons and forks,
smiles and steaks;
wht happiness lies
in today's red letters.

i'm glad they smiled
at her today;
accepted things and
offered more.
i'm happy they cheered,
today of all days -
my red letter day.

pinch me, i must be dreaming... *pinch pinch* not there, aight? :p
i'm here. hey.

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