Feb 5, 2006

after weeks (make that months) of laziness, i finally finished the last of the four requirements for the thesis: the community comics.

comprised of eight pages of characters lifted from old pinoy romance komiks and other paraphernalia from the department of health (imaging that!), i finally drafted my own comics, entitled KAUNLARAN with the volume title of "MAY BUKAS PA..."

corny? yes. but more than that, it's a requirement for the thesis. now that that's over, i could focus on the text of the actual thesis - the knitty gritty part.

i need to submit the updated manuscript by saturday. although, actually, i should have submitted yesterday. grr.

days before, i found that my printer was plugged in to the AVR incorrectly. thus, it shut down. i had to go back to worksavers and asked them to fix it.

much to my surprise, they told me they had to take it to manila and have it fixed THERE. that was going to take a few weeks. yes, a few weeks.

the option? buy a new printer. so i did. under an installment plan daw. i took the hp3940 home and had it installed that night. much to my dismay, it did not install.

why? the blasted printer needed more RAM. i only had 128Mb. needless to say, knowing my berserk nature, i was furious.

the following day, i went to work with a hot head. i asked my dad earlier that morning to take the printer back to the shop for a replacement. along the way though, i changed my mind (after a brief word fight with the supplier). i asked my dad to keep the printer put.

the minute i got back home, i removed all peripherals from the cpu. i took it to the shop and bought the additional 128Mb. i did not avail of the installment plan anymore. even though i had little money left in the bank, i paid the darn printer and RAM fully. i took the cpu home.


iwhen i got home, i took off my shirt ('cause it was freakin hot that day), and readied the cpu for installation. much to my dismay, the blasted printer wouldn't install.

i called the supplier yet again, and asked for a technician. i met with the technician at a nearby local grocery and took him back home with me. awa ng Dios, the kid didn't know what he was doing. the computer engineering junior intern did what most junior technicians would do - admit he didn't know what was happening.

luckily, the supplier called me back to check up on his kiddo. i asked for another technician. he sent me his senior technician.

a few minutes later, he was there at my house, fixing it. finally the printer puked out its test page. finally.

ask suppliers to put their equipments' worth to where their mouth is.
grr. the day before was a shitty day indeed.


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