Apr 26, 2005

faith cannot be broken,
only abandoned.

it rose - blistered
my dreams into unfathomable jolts
of mismatched orientations.
i stood up and wandered
relentlessly through the corridors;
dammit. i hate mornings.

i stepped out into the yard
and found no one there;
funny, i thought 'twas a wednesday.

seethingly unethical, i
foraged through the kitchen.
found nothing but pizza scraps,
last week's sour kraut.
my dead fish in a salad bowl.
i flinched.
darn mornings.

things i realized the past week was more than just enlightening. they were embarassing, humiliating and down-right nasty. take last night for example. i was a tad horny so i started texting people. these are a few of the reactions i got:

1: i am at the seminary trying to find inner peace. thanks for ruining my night.
2: talaga? are you sure? si... ito?
3: seryoso ka?
4: sino ka? i'm tracing people kasi.
5: sana anjan ako LOL
6: (tons of quotations)

oh, and one friend from highschool kept badgering me about a giving him a textmate. he was literally shouting at me for being tardy in answering back. let's just say we're not friends anymore.

then i got to thinking when i woke up this morning. what the hell was i texting these people for? just 'cause i had an itch in the crotch doesn't give me the privilege to invade their lives. dammit. conscience kicking in.
this morning, i started deleting numbers. lots and lots of numbers. even those people i've grown fond of. i mean, what's the point?

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