don't panic.
panicking never helps.
i was sweating like a pig in my black semi-suede polo yesterday.
anxiety was becoming the order of the day. to be honest i was up to my neck with negative vibes. dammit. my proposal defense. i didn't want to screw this up. not now.
i asked lil' john to accompany me to the state U. taws nice of him to oblige.
i also asked him to talk me out of my nervousness. i was starting to tremble.
i wouldn't have been trembling as much if i hadn't known that the chairman of my panel is the same guy i had friction with during my undergraduate thesis defense.
after the prayer, i was introduced to the panel (whom i have known since my early days at the state U). i offered a prayer, and then was asked to present my proposal. a few minutes in the discourse, the chairman walks out. i was petrified; i tried not to show any of the anxiety. the panel members motioned me to proceed. a few minutes later, he returned - smiling.
i was instructed to fast-track my discourse, and then was instructed to sit down. the nitpicking then started. well, almost none of my specific questions survived. they looked at how it was constructed, erased a few words, and placed new ones. where was i amongst all tghe chaos? in front of the panel chairman - staring blankly at him as my panel members defended my thesis for me...
yup, 'heard me right. they were defending my thesis for me. it was lucky for me that these people were all my mentors. they understood how i thought. one of them was one of my former thesis advisers; the other one my journalism guru; the other my research basics professor.
lil' john was smiling at a corner while he prepared dinner i asked diet's mom to cook. they all decided they'd take the food to go, and left. lil' john and i stasrted to deliberate. before leaving, one of my panel members offered to give me reading materials to add in my thesis. wow.
Sunday morning rain is falling
Steal some covers share some skin
Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable
You twist to fit the mold that I am in
But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do
And I would gladly hit the road get up and go if I knew
That someday it would lead me back to you
That someday it would lead me back to you
That may be all I need
In darkness she is all I see
Come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow on Sunday morning
And I never want to leave
Fingers trace your every outline
Paint a picture with my hands
Back and forth we sway like branches in a storm
Change the weather still together when it ends
That may be all I need
In darkness she is all I see
Come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow on Sunday morning
And I never want to leave
But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do
Sunday morning rain is falling and I'm calling out to you
Singing someday it'll bring me back to you
Find a way to bring myself back home to you
And you may not know
That may be all I need
In darkness she is all I see
Come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow on Sunday morning
now, i am tasked to informally interview 12 barangays out of the original five. after interviewing them, that's the only time i get to construct a questionnaire to suit them. i'm going to then have that validated, distributed, and applied with statistical treatments, i.e. the t-test and pearson r. what after? hopefully i'd still be alive.
tomorrow we parade the streets of batangas city. piyesta kasi.
hope i survive with brains intact. i'm still here.
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