May 3, 2004

we fought tonight

we fought tonight
words everywhere
hearts flung outside the window
feelings jeopardized
eyes left in awe
tears clinging to each other
because we fought tonight
unknowing of tomorrow's hellos
if ever we still would
after what happened tonight
thinking, shuddering
longing for you even more
after you walked out on me
and never looked back
with a sneer on your face that
melted me into mush
and killed me right then and there
as we fought tonight
recurring to me as a nightmare
haunting me tonight
as i lay on the floor
thinking, crying
trying to understand
why we even fought in the first place.

leaving so soon
by ectar

i can't leave
carrying such a burden
i'm sorry
for last night
i pray
it is not how
you'll remember me by.

do take care.

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