May 5, 2004

come to think of it, we are all trapped in one big vial of longing and wanting, trying to free ourselves almost tirelessly, since the beginning of time - continuing the struggle till we face our Maker.

come to think of it, life is a miserable pursuit for happiness, often found relentless and frustrating. but we never grow tired of trying. and hoping that eventually, we win over reality and win over life.

come to think of it, life is a game, a journey, a squabble, a fight. what is life but an unending trial-and-error routine that eventually tires us, and yet not our spirits. as if our spirits were independent from us, and travelled a different current from that of ours.

come to think of it, our reality is a burgeoning dilemma of unending insouciance, inceptions of want, need and whim. trapped. vialed. alone in birth, but never in death.

come to think of it, why burden ourselves with thinking?

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