Apr 28, 2004

park bench: an excerpt
(from silent shrieks)

i sit here silent, undaunted
alone, i tried
looking into those eyes
that i found cute
and found none but a stare
back at me
how i would like to kiss
those eyes that capture me
more than the sunrise that
bless my earth with life
i wonder if i will ever be
part of those mirrors that seek
understanding of a heart
and aches for the tears
of loneliness
i sit here pale, bettered, quiet
trying to fill me with excitement
never felt before
in this putrid, pudgy
poor excuse for an existence
that constantly secure
the feeling of nothingness
i sigh at the sight
of those eyes that jaunt
my every morn, every dusk, every dawn
and shower me with emotions
of calmness and simple shrugs
that proved i still existed
i sit here out of rhythm, thought
impulsive, wanting so much
to hold those eyes in my hands
and keep them for myself
but i know i can't

(from "the ouvre book")

i saw you peeking through the window
i saw you making faces
annoying me, laughing so heartily
i saw you there
where clotheslines and hearts met in private
i saw you where dad plants his trees
by the orchard near the green mountains
i saw you one day
i picked fruits for sick mama
i saw you - golden hair
rich brown eyes
there in my orchard -
wanting to learn how to plow
wanting to kiss the earth
that gave us our lives
hey, i saw you
running wildly like the wind that kissed
your sunburnt skin, your lips
fiery red, and body that wanted hands
to grab it and flee
there where dreams cry out
and the sun does not laugh
i saw you cying endlessly
making noises along the alley
dresstorn, lips bloody
i saw you
legs parted and soul wretched
i saw them
i saw them
i saw them
but i did nothing.

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