i believe mr. chao can go f*** himself in a corner.
to denigrate a race is foul enough, to rub it in, is even more abhorring.
what of chinese in hong kong? have they not been puppets to the british at some point in your history? and up to now, you are tried up with the european union, and the US in some form or another. that makes you a servant according to the core-periphery model of wallerstein. geez, why don't you use the vernacular when you write your articles? you use english to get your messages across? you are a slave to the language, so i pity you because people don't understand chinese.
he has a name that sounds like a box of noodles fried in chicken oil that people order through the phone.
anyway, the name speaks of how dastardly raised this man is. his valor and love for country blinds the fact that mao actually destroyed chinese culture - he is actually a prisoner of a belief system that "murdered" the beauty of chinese thinking, epitomizing mao in the same sense as confucius but not realizing that the only reason he had the "cultural revolution" was to find a way to dominate the then-feeble-minded and high impressionable chinese youth.
i pity you mr. tsao, because you have to belittle other people to get media mileage.
i assume your parents and grandparents did the same (since the fruit does not fall far from the tree). i guess they had no audience as well,or at least had pea-brained, impressionable kids to listen to them - pretty much like you, mr. tsao.
in reality, mr. tsao, as my friend said while she read the blog i wrote for you, you're just f***ing insecure.
poor guy. sick bastard. f***ing idiot.
The War at Home
"… But hold on—even the Filipinos? Manila has just claimed sovereignty over the scattered rocks in the South China Sea called the Spratly Islands, complete with a blatant threat from its congress to send gunboats to the South China Sea to defend the islands from China if necessary. This is beyond reproach. The reason: there are more than 130,000 Filipina maids working as $3,580-a-month cheap labor in Hong Kong. As a nation of servants, you don’t flex your muscles at your master, from whom you earn most of your bread and butter.
As a patriotic Chinese man, the news has made my blood boil. I summoned Louisa, my domestic assistant who holds a degree in international politics from the University of Manila, hung a map on the wall, and gave her a harsh lecture. I sternly warned her that if she wants her wages increased next year, she had better tell every one of her compatriots in Statue Square on Sunday that the entirety of the Spratly Islands belongs to China.
Grimly, I told her that if war breaks out between the Philippines and China, I would have to end her employment and send her straight home, because I would not risk the crime of treason for sponsoring an enemy of the state by paying her to wash my toilet and clean my windows 16 hours a day. With that money, she would pay taxes to her government, and they would fund a navy to invade our motherland and deeply hurt my feelings.
Oh yes. The government of the Philippines would certainly be wrong if they think we Chinese are prepared to swallow their insult and sit back and lose a Falkland Islands War in the Far East. They may have Barack Obama and the hawkish American military behind them, but we have a hostage in each of our homes in the Mid-Levels or higher. Some of my friends told me they have already declared a state of emergency at home. Their maids have been made to shout “China, Madam/Sir” loudly whenever they hear the word “Spratly.” They say the indoctrination is working as wonderfully as when we used to shout, “Long live Chairman Mao!” at the sight of a portrait of our Great Leader during the Cultural Revolution. I’m not sure if that’s going a bit too far, at least for the time being."
The Vintage Year
"Inspired by the poisoned milk powder scandal, a friend of mine is planning to import a wet nurse from the Philippines. His wife has just given birth to a baby, and he is, most justifiably, extremely worried about anything made in China…
But why from the Philippines? Why not recruit a wet nurse from China? I asked my friend who until recently had whole-heartedly loved his motherland. “No,” he explained, “How can you be sure that a Chinese wet nurse is not going to be fake, with something like a Bangkok ladyboy-style plastic bag filled with artificial milk made from poisoned powder?”…
So allowing Hong Kong families to import Filipina wet nurses would be an innovation. And not only for babies. What else would be as impressive as a status symbol than when you are visiting a billionaire for lunch and you and dozens of other refined guests are offered a glass of fresh milk to toast everybody’s health, instead of a glass of Chateau Rotschild Lafitte? You would be told that the troop of in-house wet nurses all hail from remote villages in Luzon or Mindanao, instead of the polluted city of Manila, transported to Hong Kong only minutes after they gave birth to their babies, jetfresh, to guarantee the best vintage…"
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