Mar 26, 2009

it's been a couple of months since i actually blogged (what's new). i got some updates:

1. carla can say a lot of things now- upo, tara, karga, baba. dede, hatchu (sneeze), lola, lolo, ate, kuya, lots of animal sounds, sings "old mcdonald had a farm", and knows the part of the body (both in english and filipino). she also answers basic questions like: gusto mo ng ______?, liligo ka na?, sinong love ng baby?, sinong bunso ni daddy/mommy?, anong sabi ng mama? etc. she also mimics sounds (pano kapag umiyak ang baby? e kapag tumawa?)

2. i am six subjects away from dissertation. no plans of enrollment for the summer though. they're not offering the subjects i need. grr.

3. i'll be handling a lot of stuff this summer- three language programs (BAC, incoming freshies, HRM/TOUR). i will customize modules for each one too. darn it.

4. there's the ASTRA FM training modules this May.. may i have the strength LOL

5. i have a communication conference this May 19-22. naman. LOL

in the words of a senior trainor in a local BPO here in Lipa, "ah, carlo, have you ever heard of the word 'rest'?"

hehe. still here.

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