Apr 25, 2009


carla has started to memorize four books that one of my cousins gave her for her 1st birthday. she is nearing completion of memorizing the books. cool.

she knows so many words. i am amazed by the rate she acquires new words. makes me wonder if i learned as fast as she did when i was a kid.

carla started talking when she was around six months. she did not start talking in gibberish. she said "nang-ni" (ninang said backwards) straight-tongued.

i am off to nasugbu tomorrow, april 26 for the ocular visit and BOT meeting of the philippine association of communication educators, for which i am a board of trustee and head of the research committee.

Philippine Association of Communication Educators Foundation
Office Address c/o AIJC at Room 802/902, Annapolis Wilshire Plaza,
11 Annapolis St. Greenhills, San Juan City

Communication Research Seminar Workshop
“Conquering Frontiers in Communication Research: Beyond Mindsets and Paradigms”
DLSU Charles Huang Conference Center, Batulao, Nasugbu, Batangas
May 19 -22, 2009

“Imagine a world in which all individuals are recognized as productive, educated citizens and as potential agents of change. Imagine a world in which universities embody democratic values, make strong connections between head, heart and hands, and recognize that their institutional goals go beyond the generation of wealth and the advancement of self-recognition."

---Peter Taylor, Reuben Aggor, Debbie Bell, Peter Boothroyd, Grace Bunyi, Pirom Chantaworn. Myles Clough, Shafik Dharamsi, Margo Fryer, Jingjai Hanchanlash. Fernando Kleiman. Shelley Jones, Alice Ndide, Margot Parkes, Sheldon Shaeffer, and Juliet Tembe.

“Conquering Frontiers in Communication Research: Beyond Mindsets and Paradigms”

Higher Educational Institutions, Colleges and Universities embrace a spirit of collaboration in designing research, curriculum, and innovations in instruction and extension services as sites for social engagement. It is in this milieu that the Philippine Association of Communication Educators, (PACE) Foundation, Inc embarks on retooling its members in collective efforts designed to restructure and reinvent processes and interventions through dynamic research activities geared towards societal development.

In active response to a need expressed by its member-institutions at a recent National Conference in Manila last November 2008, PACE Foundation, Inc. reiterates its commitment in developing responsive and effective alliances as it reexamines the importance of relevant and meaningful researches.

A 3-day live-in seminar-workshop on communication research with the theme “Conquering Frontiers in Communication Research: Beyond Mindsets and Paradigms” scheduled on May 19 - 22, 2009 at DLSU Charles Huang Conference Center, Batulao, Nasugbu, Batangas.


1. reflect on the role of academics as key collaborators in national development;
2. update and retool participants on the current issues and trends in qualitative and quantitative communication researches;
3. impart skills transference in participatory/ action research proposal making; and
4. encourage collaborative endeavors among member-institutions in the landscape of a transformative community of learners, teachers, thinkers and actors.


i am attending a national conference of the philippine press institute on april 27-29 at the manila diamond hotel.

keep me posted when you can aight?

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