Apr 19, 2006

sometimes i feel shitty.
tonight, i do.

we've been arguing
over lotsa things
since early last week
till this week.

wednesday night,
we started the squabble
over a hking activity.
she told me i made her feel
she wasn't my priority.
that i left her out of the picture.
it wasn't true, of course.
i planned everything out because
i wanted to spend the night
with her.

thursday morning,
we went to seven churches.
the day was tiring.
but i enjoyed.
at the end of the day,
my mom made a dark comment.
she went home sadder than ever.

friday morning,
there was a mix-up over
whether she was taking me to a trip
to the orchard or not.
we ended up with me walking
from the bustop back home.

saturday, we met up
but it still felt sad.
at least we saw each other.

sunday, the usual sunday mass.
felt good.

monday, tuesday;
these went by as regular days.
no squabble there.

wednesday night- tonight,
we fought over a day & night cream.
and me being disappointed over
a disapproved activity for my work.
i felt like she was not supportive enough.
she felt the chill; she had to retaliate.
i felt the cold steel lunge into my heart
and it stayed there.

until now.
i'm hurting.
darn it.

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