a few thoughts for the day:
to conquer fear
you have to
become fear
batman begins
like broken glass,
that's how pain feels;
like broken shards
of glass.
only people
who suffer can grow
into beauty.
i'm actually writing this little blog under the influence of several shots of whisky. yup. i'm tipsy. so sue me.
the first thing that popped into my mind was the fact that i was a bit drunk, my head is spinning, and dammit i needed to write. write till i fall flat on the floor 'cause of this blasted headache i'm having right now. damn you, walker.
last night, a student-friend of mine texted. he was being tormented by the memories of an older woman whom he loved, but did not love him back. dammit, the kid was enraged by the thought of her, but he was enjoying, i could tell. he said he couldn't take it anymore - her face everywhere he looked, her smell in the air, her red lips pulsating in his dreams. hell the kid was going bonkers!
you know what i told him? to hell with the painless life! dammit, embrace life's hurt. that's where you learn. that's where you find peace - in the midst of the hurt that haunts us day and night. sometimes we just hate how the world seems imperfect for us, and perfect for everyone else; but hey, that's how it goes. cookies crumble that way, i guess. but we have to get up and pick up scraps - the good scraps - if we wanna continue eating the cookie.
i'm also planning a galera trip with the guys. who knows what'll happen.
i'm here. hey.
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