Jul 30, 2004

what wretched woes
we weave for ourselves
and what littlest atrocity
we succomb to.
however our souls decide to reap
the fruits of our indifference,
lest fate meddles,
be happy of the new morning
that dawns our meager breathing.


the other night i saw two people i have affinity for, sitting somewhere they shouldn't have been together. but there they were. and i shuddered at where i stood. because i still felt something for both of them. at varying levels. and yet, i tried to keep calm. and i did.

but it wasn't much help.


that night
when i scolded you
over the electronic quill
i could not quite comprehend
why things had to be like this
between shrinks.
but they are like this.
we are tattered.
or at least i am.
wednesdays have never been the same.
because you've erased them
off the calendar.


it is my fault. bear with it.
ancient one out. in the cold.

somebody hug me? as if.

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