May 15, 2011


of all the crazy sh** i've done in my life, it's always refreshing to find the silver lining in the horizon every once in a while. back in october 2010, i thought it was the end of everything - i lost my job, almost lost my family, i lost personal respect, had no self-worth.

but i guess the Lord does have a way of making us see the bigger picture. a few months after, i took a risk and flew off to singapore. it's a helluva ride, but a good one nonetheless. i would be a hypocrite if i told you i am as stoic as a guy can get. quite the contrary. i burst into tears over no apparent reason; i sometimes miss home, get a homesickness attack, and you all know what happens next. sometimes i find myself trying to avoid the words "home" or "kid" or "love" because it just makes it even more difficult to bear than i am thousands of miles away from my wife and my kid. it hurts like sh** i tell u.

then again, tonight, i've realised that on top of the stupid things i did in my life, i actually did some things that were right on the money. a student of mine is getting a job in an airlines, and she comes back to me via FB with this PM:

"the interviewer asked me pano ko nagka accent..? nag enroll daw ba ko john robert powers??? taray tay ng sagot ko.. "nope sir..! i just series of trainings with mr. carlo venson.." then sabi "who is he?" "he's my mentor.. sir, u can't find him here.. he's in sg already.." sabi nalang nya "ohhhhh.. i see..."

my heart just jumped. ansarap palang malaman mo na minsan, kahit minsan, i actually touched people's lives and helped make a difference in them, for the better. i'd be lying if i told you i didn't feel a bit proud of myself. it was indeed my ego booster for the night. she was a student of mine, like 4 or 5 years ago?

a lot of stuff is happening in the office, here in the pad, in my life back home. tons of stuff piling on top of another. but i like it that at the end of the day, He makes me realise that i still have the capacity to become a good person, a better person, and help change people's lives for the better.

akala ko napakasama ko nang tao. hindi pala. there's actually a little bit of goodness still in this lil' ol' bastard.
still here. hey.

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