Oct 31, 2007

hi. updates?
got some.

1. my wife's turning 7mos next week, entering the last phase of our pregnancy. she keeps saying she looks bloated, but i still think she's sexy hehe. i have slowly accepted the fact that we're having a girl as our first borne. we're naming her carla venice, after her dad's name. poor kid LOL

2. construction's through for the one-floor house we renovated from the detached adjunct bedroom my parents used to use. we've got our own cozy place.

3. my clearance was not signed, so i couldn't get my last paycheck for the first semester - i got an institutional study that needs to be cleared by the research director first, before she signs my clearance (bad news is she's still in australia, and plans to come back next week). on the onset, since i got no money, my enrolment in the doctorate program will be stalled a couple of weeks. grr.

4. i'm enrolling 9 units this semester under the Ed.D. program, and a couple more units under the Education program. i plan to take the licensure exams for teachers next august.

got new pictures in friendster. hehe.
be safe.

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