Oct 21, 2006


i got my wedding banns today. "no impediment" it typed at the back.
i wondered what if there were any? would i kill to silence that person?
who knows. people have done stranger things.
impediments though, take a lot of forms. texts, stares, guilty feelings.
who knows, right?


yesterday, i finished the post prod for my short film. dubbed BUS, the film was fairly ok. as the director, i thought some parts were actually mediocre. but i think all it needs is a final twitch to make it extra ok ;p

BUS is a story of chance encounters in public transport. having encountered a groping incident, the lead role (played by cj villena), is torn between understanding why he was groped and why he liked it. other questions like personal inhibitions and sexuality start to arise for the protagonist, as helped by the co-star (played by japson tolentino) who gropes cj in the bus. twists of fate then turn the groping incident to a whimsical relationship held together only by the incident's left queries. shot in the urbane lipa and batangas cities, BUS is a quiet look at incidents that happen right under our noses. better yet, on our laps, legs and crotches.

i'm previewing the film at the mass com lab this coming monday at 11am.
come watch if you have time aight? ;p
hey there...

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