Sep 5, 2005

i was riding the bus home when these names popped into my mind - possible names for the next batch of dj enduro-hunters:

pandora, zeek, remus, fantasia, maximus, scout, mavis, samuel, fergus, theo, amara, freda, woody, zula, tantra, phillis, fiona, corkie, lawrence, erique, steph, hunter, maia, ma-len, nash, nova sky, okani, patrice, pascal, the jackal, sue, quintin, quasar,reese, romulus, trinity, tye, thalos, zinthos, uraen, efraim, viixen, viyola, xavier, zulu, draco/drake, steel, khalese, dorian, damian, black aura, zion, buster, bastian, kassy, euan, eiva, fiona, syke, greta, ganymede, guy sanders and luna.

who knows, you may become one of the owners of any of these names when you become a dj enduro-hunter hehe

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