a former student of mine posted this bulletin. here, i try to answer her questions.
1.Colour of most clothes you own:
black and red. i have some in yellow and blue as well.
2.Number of pillows you sleep with:
three. two for the head, and one for my arms. i love hugging. severe cuddling.
3.What room are you in right now:
the internet shop. the infamous stritnet.
4.What are you doing 12AM last night:
snoring like a pig. previous to that i was talking over the phone with a couple of peeps.
5.How old will u be in 10 years:
too old. need to get hitched. or else, kaong na ang lalabas. hehe
6. What do you think you'll be doing in
10 years:
hopefully still teaching. in the same college? i dunno. probably still training djs.
7. Do you have braces?
nope. never have. need my teeth examined though. i got an impacted tooth.
8. Are you paranoid?
i am the epitome of paranoid.
9.Describe your wallet?
i bought it at penshoppe. it's longer than the usual wallet. it's got around nine pockets. it's blue-black and light blue.
10. Your alarm clock?
my phone. gonna try to buy a new one this december, if and when i finish my thesis.
11. Your hair?
i just had it cut. i've returned to my former dweeb self.
12. Tooth brush?
black. and has outlived its use.
13. What colour are your eyes?
chocolate brown. chocolat d' noir.
14. enemy?
lots. some i don't even know.
15. First play/ musical/ performance?
high school. i acted as the chief prosecutor. we won 2nd place.
16. Last movie seen in cinema?
charlie and the chocolate factory. maganda sya.
17. Last person u met?
mr. george amurao - department chairman for mass communications at lyphil.
18. Last crush?
too many to mention? LOL
19. Last shoes worn?
my nikes
20. Last ice cream eaten?
haven't eaten ice cream for a while. vanilla.
21. Last thing written by hand?
the tally for my thesis' questionnaires from pinagkawitan, lipa city. a friend helped me out with the distribution and retrieval.
22. Last thing to do before wanting to die?
bunjee jump. or parasail. make love.
23. What were you doing last night?
i'd rather not tell. i try to keep my site as wholesome as possible. heheh
24. Why do you like yourself?
who said i did?
25. What don't you like about yourself?
a lot of things. but i keep it to myself most of the time.
26. What are your plans for tomorrow?
go on-board. air till 9am, and start teaching at around 11.30am.
27. What was the last thing u wore?
my undies. don't have anything on now bwahehe
28. When was the last time u got angry?
just a while ago. but i got over it after a couple of kisses.
29. What was the last song you heard?
these dreams. it's playing right now. here at the shop.
30. When was the last time u entered a club?
four months ago. been a while. i so pity myself. grr.
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