Sep 15, 2004

i think the best gift i'd ever receive for my birthday
on the 22nd would be forgiveness.
i know that terrestrial visionary knows what i am
talking about.
fate has become our fickle mistress; and even
though our paths have chosen to fork, i would still
like to see that visionary on my birthday.
i would like to ask for his eternal forgiveness
(having heard he has plans of leaving this bastion
of notoriety by next year - i would not like to have
someone having a grudge on me from as fas as
the other side of the planet.).
i don't know if he'll come. if he'll give me the luxury
of forgiveness. but i hope things would turn out
okay for us.
not that we never had a great friendship. then
when things weren't as complicated as now.

but you know what?
right after you gave me that stare tonight
and finding out you've erased me from FRIENDSTER
you just confirmed we'll never be okay ever again.
thanks for the not so comforting thought.
you make me swear. big time. i guess you're happier this way.

inviting all of the people out there who still like me,
friends both intimate and platonic,
please come to my humble birthday celebration on september 25, saturday, at around 7pm, my place. please RSVP at my 0920*** number. thanks.

oink still here. peace out.

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