Jun 22, 2004

sad is an understatement right now.
left behind in a fight that i thought i was part of.
but eventually, made to realize that things are not the same.
and i have been forgotten totally.
in the crisp breeze of the night, i stood there - stakes at hand-
but no battles fought.
because i was left behind in THIS battle.
because i had no place in it.
least not anymore.
wishing that i did makes me fall unto my knees
and bless the earth with crimson tears.
what idiocy do i carry in my veins
and what atrocity wails from my insides.

i yearn for you, but you chose not to tag me along.

and you know what?
i can't really blame you.
THIS is your battle. even if i want it to be mine as well.
but f*** this boar. THIS would have been,
if i wasn't as stubborn. or as stupid.

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