May 21, 2012

now i have come to realise the reason why the Lord has brought me to singapore. naye was i brought here to earn the money i am earning now; neither to experience luxury and whim. i realised the reason why i was sent here was for me to understand the most important lesson of all: a family needs to stay together. a few weeks after they have left, and a few months before they came to vosot, i slowly realised why i was going through all these- sacrificing proximity te earn a few thousand more. i was never sent here to earn money; i was brought here to learn my lesson. it will not be painful to leave everything behind. and it will be a slow process. but i look forward to seeing the day that i come to your doorstep and hug you tight, never again worrying that i will have to fly off the following day, or week, or month. i will stay where i should be: home.

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