Feb 4, 2011


it's DAY4 of my great SG adventure (i make it sound like a safari LOL), and i woke up rather early today. my brother slept over his friend's place, so i was left alone in the house. i took the liberty of going around the local produce providers in the area, and found some oranges that came cheap. i took the box (yup, the whole box. the seller was practically giving it away) home and went back to bed.

at around 7.45, i got a cal from an employer: the one from robin's (one of my former DJs) referral. the lady was calloing all the way from australia, and she was flying in to singapore around tuesday. she set an appointment for an interview, and my heart jumped. i told myself, "this is it." after an exchange of thoughts, she ended the call and i jumped out of bed. i was energized; i went to the toilet to bathe, then set off for breakfast. on my way to the hawker centre in eunos, i bumped into my brother who was on his way home.

at eunos' hawker centre, i opted to try out something new. i ordered fried dumpling mee (a mix of thin noodles sauted in soy, topped with dumplings, ground pork and spring onions; it had a cup of soup as its condiment). i took out a S$5 bill and handed it to the lady. to my surprise, instead of a S$2-change, i was handed five 20c coins. apparently, the noodles costed S$4, not just three. i wanted to react, but the lady knew little english, so i obliged. i took my tray of food, sat at one of the tables and ate. and you know what, the noodles weren't half bad. they were very filling.

but i wanted to be adventurous so i walked further down the hawker centre and found EUNOS CRESCENT, which was also a part of the hawker centre, but catered to the muslims, both indians and malays. i walked around and saw S$1.20 nasi lemak (steamed rice cooked in coconut milk with fried egg, chili and peanuts, wrapped in banana leaves) and was tempted to buy. but the scrooge in me took over, and so i bought a pancake. it tasted nice, especially since sandwiched between the pancake was mashed peanuts, condensed milk and corn kernels.

back at home, after changing back to my PJs, i ate two oranges for lunch, and dozed off. at around 3 or 4pm, i was awakened by the laughter of my brother who was talking to our youngest sister over the phone. they were planning a lot of stuff, especially the things they wanted to do if and when my brother flies off to the philippines. inasmuch as i would like to describe in full detail what they talked about, i don't want my sister to be put in uncompromising situations LOL (no pun intended)

i was already on the mrt, on my way to the esplanade at around 4.30pm. i bathed before i took off, and so i was feeling kinda cocky since i was wearing better, more formal clothes now. the past few days was characterized by some raised brows and stares, seeing that i just walked around in jeans and shirts or shorts ans a shirt. anywho, i got to the esplanade, and immediately went to the announcement boards for the shows, and was dismayed to find that most of the shows today were ticketed.

i sighed because i really wanted to watch TITUS ANDRONICUS, but the ticket was kinda pricy. plus it was sold out for the night. so i opted to watch a theatre production of the Theatre Practice, entitled XIAO LING'S new year, which was a story about the lives of war-torn chinese during the war and how their new year was celebrated with grief and sorrow. the cast starred a guy and two ladies, one of whom manipulated a little girl puppet who was xiao ling. it was quaint because they used a puppet instead of a little girl. the lines, although i couldn't understand since it was in chinese, was moving and i guess, evoked emotions that were too complicated for a little girl to play the part.

after the show, i went for some popcorn and some music at the waterfront theatre. the guitarist was good. he also played the harmonica. oh and he was blind. i walked around the bay, and went to the circus that was also in the area. i had dinner at the makansuntra gluttons bay, and had to pamper myself by eating liempo and rice. you just have to understand, dawg, i haven't eaten rice for three days. it was S$6 and my water bottle was s$1.30, but it was all worth it. but that wasn't the last of it. on my way back, i bought some bread at breadtalk. the girl at the counter was pinoy, and so the sale was pleasant. little guilt LOL

day4 wasn't half-bad. the opportunity to grab new work came today. still here. hey.

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