last night i was having second thoughts about a couple of things:
1. i was decided to give all late passers of the screenplay proposal a ZERO, but then my mind itched and so i opted to text the kids and ask why they didn't submit in time. after a couple of minutes, all six of them replied, with a variety of reasons.
this morning, i thought, maybe i should give them a chance, but then lo and behold, i checked their twitters and facebook accounts (which were updated quaintly recent enough) and found that some of them even had the audacity to go out and watch a movie, without even at least attempting to email me a soft copy of their proposals.
thank you SNS.
2. i dreamt of going to a beach resort last night, taking pics of a band who started dancing the MAGLALATIK then moved on to play their instruments (with one particular band member catching my eye, but i'd rather not divulge why; btw, the dreams i've been having for the past few days have all been homodiegetic). i was taking a video of the band, then a jump shot of the drummer, then a jump to the shoreline filled with people... all using a touch-screen phone.
you see, i have been waiting for a couple of weeks for this brand of phone to go on sale, and finally today is the day, but then the Scrooge in me crept in and now i'm having second thoughts about getting the phone, widgets and all.
3. i've been having bad feelings about my current state and starting to doubt myself - not in terms of the decisions or moves that i make, but based on the gut feelings i've been having in the past few days. i'm starting to look at the world, my world, in a whole new light (although i'm not that sure whether the light is white or black). it troubles me much.
4. also, i'm having second thoughts about staying at the bukid. ineng has had bruise after bruise, after freakin' bruise because of the terrain there, the layout of the house, and our dearth for a nanny. i'm starting to look at any opportunity to bring both of them back to the bayan. i know grace wouldn't approve, but is it just me or am i spending a fortune on trike fare? just thinking out loud.
holler me if you got questions.
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