Sep 21, 2009

I got to realize a couple of things when I realized I was turning three decades old:

1. Have done so many bad things, I lost count.

2. Have seen things I shouldn't have, but glad I did since i'll be blind soon anyway.

3. Have made people laugh, cry, swear, grunt and run amock for no apparent reason. Glad I did.

4. Haven't achieved one life-goal: gaining a PhD. Pakshet.

5. Haven't grown older, just wiser. I think.

6. Have met people i never imagined I would. Great knowing you all.

7. Have loved, lost and found love. More than a couple of times.

8. Have sworn never to lose self-respect, and still lost it several times.

9. Have taken advantage and been taken advantaged of a couple of times - enjoyed every minute of it.

10. Have seen people at their best and worst. Happy I did.

How 'bout you?

still here.

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