a couple of things:
1. it's my 51st day in the blue school. i'm gaining confidence. it was daunting during the first few weeks of my stay here. people looking at me, mistaking me for someone i actually was. i remember this teacher i met in a peculiar place long ago (i'd rather not say), "why do you keep using the AB COM pc? para ka tuloy program coordinator ng BA Com eh." and he laughed unknowingly. i smiled, and said i was in fact whom he thought i was. he stopped laughing.
2. my daughter's turning seven months old, and she's going places - the four corners of the mattress, i mean. she's growing so fast, mouthing words very well, gums starting to itch (she's teething). one time i thought i heard her phrase the word "mommy". i was right; now, she says "mah" and "mie" in fragments. i wonder when she'll say "daddy"? LOL maybe not anytime soon.
3. i'm starting to join the marketing schedules of the school. i'm starting to realize the school may have a long way to go in terms of documentation, policy formation, etcetera, but they have a pretty good screening system and scholarship program (imagine having to enjoy your scholarship for the rest of your college life here, and all you have to do is maintain the passing grades?! astig!). i remember my college days. those were the days.
4. i'm starting to think that i'm losing my libido. hell, sometimes i grow wearisome over doing stuff (the dirty ones LOL) that i've been used to doing since high school. it's bothering me. just top off the head.
5. preliminary exams are over, and i think my students think i hate them - most of them think my exams are too much. maybe i did go overboard. just a little bit heheh
6. five students decided to take exams with their classmates. doesn't really mean anything to some people, not unless we find out that these kids are actually cross-enrolled to other classes that i also handle. the result: a dearth of questionnaires during the exams. the impact: people thinking i'm inefficient. now i have to start all over again, and make them believe i am not.
part of my letter wrote:
Although new at ***, the undersigned has been teaching for eight years in the tertiary level; he is disturbed by these students’ lack of regard for the test environs that the School has established to maintain the sanctity of the grade. Furthermore, the same students, with the exception of Ms. N***, also approached the undersigned prior to his marketing schedule to San Pablo, asking him to allow them to take the exam with their classmates, disregarding the exam schedules set for the classes they were enrolled in. The undersigned reiterated that the request was noted, and would be consulted through the auspices of their respective dean. And then, this incident happened.
The undersigned is concerned with the actions of these students, and request that your good office shed light on the issue, emphasizing on the possible repercussions that these students may garner from the incident.

i'll give you a rundown of other things in the next few days.
be safe.
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