nothing much to write in twenty minutes.
it's been a while since i've blogged (why do i keep writing that everytime a blog LOL).
what's happening to me now?
1. my wife is three months pregnant. i actually heard my baby's heartbeat the other month. i recorded it in my phone.
2. i'm starting my doctorate this july 21st. funny, PLM lost my enrolment papers last week, and got my scheds mixed up. i'm going back there friday to settle things.
3. i am off to cinemalaya on the 27th this month, an awards day on august 19, and supporting my students in the 1st calabarzon student shortfilm festival.
4. my right eye got uber-irritated by my contact lenses. i need to get a new pair.
5. we're moving out to a new house hopefully by the end of the month. my wife can barely climb up the stairs anymore.
6. i'm also through with the teletech language course i'm spearheading.
lots of things happening. will try to tell you more about it soon. ciao.
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