Mar 6, 2007

ei there.
been a while.
lotsa things happened.

having qualms over whether or not i'm capable of having a child.
baog ata ako eh.
have tried doing it with the wife a couple of times. kaya lang everytime, the 10th of the month arrives, i end up disappointed. WE end up disappointed.
i'm starting to set my mind to thinking that we'd be childless for a couple of more years.
hopefully by that time, we've already saved some money for our kid.

big buzz going around about me getting kicked out of the position for the coming semester.
frankly speaking, i'm kinda scared. but relief suddenly takes over, though.
i love being in the seat, kaya lang, i think if people want the headache that comes with the job, i'd be glad to give these to them, err, her LOL

the TELETECH tie-up finally pushed through the other day.
interesting enough, there were last minute delays to the signing.
noetheless, the contracts were signed. kinda. 'cause the president hasn't signed his copy yet - much to the dismay of some staff members of TELETECH.
oh, and there was a cutie whom i talked with for a few minutes.
kaya lang, tinanong nya kung may-asawa nako, during the course of the conversation. i said, yes. sunod na tanong, do i have kids. sabi ko, wala pa. naku! nadismaya yata bwahaha MAY ASIM PA AKO LOL

don't worry.
i love my wife, dearly hehe

take good care of yourself.
will post pictures of the events i went to this first quarter
some time soon.

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