more often than not, we prepare ourselves for the worst case scenarios:
we have fire drills for fire;
earthquake drills for earth shakers;
and recently, tsunami drills for tremors near coasrlines.
but have we ever prepared for the best case scenarios?
can we ever be prepared for them?today i went to UP Diliman to catch dr. gerry josue of the philippine association for communication education. i'm planning to get all the comm teachers to become affiliated with PACE so that we'd get invited to the pinoy media congress this coming august *devilish laugh*
before, only arnie got to join PACE. i thought it'd be great to get all of us, school, teachers and students (through the AMIC YOUTH COMMUNICATORS ORG) to become members of PACE and AMIC (an international organization on communication, networks and research). i went all the way to UPD just to get three... mind you, three... pieces of paper. grr. and yehey.
i got off at ayala. took the mrt and what happened next? i got the wrong train?! LOL ayun, i had to hitch another ride goign all the way to quezon ave. where wally and his new "friend" leonard were waiting. twas a great surprise altogether, since wally wasn't sure he could make it to accompany me to UPD-CMC, and then, leonard tagged along on his way to ateneo.
(leonard is 24, an ateneo graduate of bs psychology, and works for a special project under the office of the president. prior to rey, he has asked wally out a couple of times. after rey, he stepped in as a shoulder to cry on. he taking good care of wally so far. i'm glad :p )
on the way to cmc, wally and leonard talked - with me occasionally butting in hehe. they're planning to join the san mig enduro race, and were just waiting for the other physical requirements to come out two weeks prior to the competition.
i got to cmc, found dr. josue and got the papers i needed. we went to the graduate school and then got my requirements for the PhD i'm planning to take ;p then went to the college of arts and letters for wally's incomplete subjects in his MA for theatre arts.
after a cooling tall glass of melon juice courtesy of saraa canteen, wally and i started to walk towards the jeepney stop. we talked about rey and how he's coping with the fact that he's left his life. he was still a bit into rey, but i'm glad to find out that he's found reasons to back up his decision to leave the relationship altogether.
on the jeep, he told me how aileen (a friend of his) tohim how he wasn't ready for leonard. wally was asking, how'd i react if you find the one that's best for me, and how i'd do everything to keep the relationship alive. rey, according to wally, wasn't as optimistic. in his words "if i find even an iota of uncertainty, i'd get out of the relationship", even if he said that wally was the best thing that happened to him.
wally went on, talking about how leonard took care of him after the boracay dragon boat race (wally didn't have the chance to row; they were outmanned). how leonard made him feel like a winner even if he didn't even went through the race. how leonard is making him feel what he gave his past bf's. i got to conclude, maybe leonard IS what's best for wally; maybe wally IS ready for leonard.
on the bus ride home i got to thinking: what do i do if i find what's best? wally asked me, what if you find what's best? or someone better that what you thought was best? how would i react?
i realized that i wouldn't want to spend eternity looking and waiting for someone who was best- someone who met the standards of what was "best". maybe i could settle for what was given to me and who i have right now. i've had people who made me feel loved, yes, but they all left me eventually- realizing that who i was wasn't best enough for them. or maybe, i was just not what suited THEIR standards.
wally made me realize that who i have may not be the best, nor meets the criteria. but she damn well makes me feel loved. and i'm happy with just that. i hope wally gets the same feeling.