May 26, 2006

don't fight people who are either below or above your own level.
you are no match for those higher than yours; those below are a waste of time.

i'm really excited for the coming school year.
so excited, i could actually taste it in the air.
summer's over. yipee.

here are some of the things that happened to me this summer:

1. i was kicked out of the radio station.
2. i got promoted as department chairman for mass communications.
3. i got keratitis (an inflammation of the cornea). i was legally blind for three weeks. could not see at dusk and at dawn. as in.
4. i spent a few thousand pesos for new contact lenses and new eyeglasses (this even though the school has not given my salary all summer. thank you, Jesus.).
5. i met new friends. they're helping me out with my seminars for this coming semester. the likes of a former pinoy/brazilian franciscan monk-cum-dj, a CGI supervisor for captain barbel, and a department chairman for psychology.
6. i learned how to improve my html skills.
7. i finished one action research on stress manifestations.
8. i got to attend a seminar on communication impact at UPLB.
9. through diet and angel, the radio has launched its new tarpaulin. and got itself a new batch of radio personnel.
10. i've lost my cookies for this page yet again.

this is just a run-through of the most important things that happened this summer.
more to come. don't worry. devilish LOL

keep in touch

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