i've recently had qualms over the coming school year.
although i've just been regularized, it seems that the enthusiasm that i should have felt when i received my papers have already waned, and i could not find it in my heart to behappy that much about it.
a lot of my co-faculty are saying i'm getting a lot of money 'cause my regularization was a year late (retroactive pay), but never the less, i'm not that excited.
what they don't know is that i've already been re-evaluated for the retro. i've been receiving a rate higher than theirs for the past two years.
my only hope is that when they process my retro, they put me a notch higher than my current rate so that i could get enough money to pay for grace's delivery in january.
i'm being replaced next school year. all of the dept chairs will be replaced.
and i know who's gonna replace me.
the daughter of the vp will.
i've told my lab coordinator about this, and she agreed.
she agreed that it's gonna be a bumpy two years ahead.
i'm gonna try to change this blog's look.